Express and Listen
OK I just wanted to tell you all that I love you soooooooooooooo much for visiting here! that’s right every single each and every one of you 😛 ! and because of that I’m going to make this blog very special… to show who the real me is you know. I mean you can learn about a person by visiting their blog 😉 I’ve visited some people I know on their blog and I discovered interesting things about them I didn’t know and probably other people too. Do you know how fun it is to express yourself!!! and there’s a lot of ways to listen. It’s like me and my music on my blog. I’m expressing myself for who I am through music, because if you LISTEN you can tell that I love the Violin very much and I have an Interest in classical music. now don’t get me wrong k. To be honest with you I really like keeping to myself at school and around my family… well i don’t like it but when I have something horrible troubling me or I have a sudden interest in certain things they bug you and bug you about it and they make a big deal about it! srry I didn’t need to say that, it was unnecessary. 😀 😛 anyway on your blogs you don’t have to go face to face with people and you can really express yourself without a worry but its nice to try outside in real life for your own good trust me. even if it bugs you. This coming from someone that understands 100% Completely so trust me. wow watch me blabber my mouth on >.< ugh if I bored you I'm so sorry. but this talk was for two things that are very very very important. Express and listen! <3
Ave Maria ( in english incase you were curious )
Canon in D Major created by Pachelbel
favorite song ave maria
Hey all you readers out there that come on my blog to see what I posted and what videos I put on my wall, I’m srry to say i haven’t updated recently but there’s been a lot of stuff going on. I found out i might be moving away this summer and there is someone i really care about that i dont want to leave but i finally got over that and i am ready to start updating again thnx for baring with me and get ready to see an A – W – S – O – M – E Blog 😛 O_O oh one more thing make sure to leave comments because i’ll give you a 100% assurance that it would be appreciated! 😀
Non-Renewable Recources
Make a video of your own at Animoto.
My Spring Break
My spring break was boring at first, but that was before we went to the spring canival. IT WAS SO SPECTACULAR! Okay, so we bought our tickets, stamped our wrests and blah blah blah and so on. then we finally got on our first ride. The Spinner. I heard some disgustig stories on what it does to people….. so duh I got on!!! I lached myself, held on, and closed my mouth shut. All prepared… or so I thought. I swear i shoud of closed my eyes too. Yep you guessed it. Right in the middle of the ride I see a ten year old open his piehole and before I new it, the person beside me was coverd with it.EWE!!!!!!! Relieved to be on my feet, well let me just skip ahead to my favorite part. k.k. so we had or last tickets and there was one last ride. So I grabed my sisters shirt and pulled her over to the feris wheel. She said fine, but I knew from the begging she was feeling quizzy.:) so we got on, buckled ourselfs and went up. She yelled at me to stop wiggleing ing the cart. ECSPECIALY when were stuck at the top. HaHa you sould’ve seen her face! Priceless! That’s what I did on my spring break.