Daily Archives: November 21, 2011

Turkey Thanksgiving!!!!

When I woke up one morning I was so excited to finally get eggnog, TURKEY,

hot dogs, TURKEY,stuffing, TURKEY,egg rolls, oh and did I forget to say T-U-R-K-E-Y which also spells TURKEY!!!!!!.  So I ran to the kitchen to see what was cookin and… nothing?  I looked in the freezer and… there plopped in the midst of other delicious yet frozen foods was the turkey. My worst nightmare happened that I was hopping would not.   Mooooooooommmm!!! Daaaaadddd! Iran to there room for an explanation and there they were just as I thought… NOT cooking. why are you not cooking?!!! It’s 3:17 in the morning go back to bed Hosanna! So I went to back to bed feeling relieved yet also feeling dumb. However happy I still get to have a Thanksgiving feast.